Friday, November 6, 2009


Tomorrow I move into the apartment and start an entirely new lifestyle and chapter in my life. I will be fending entirely for myself for the first time. It has been a few years since I moved out of my parents, and I have been paying rent since then, but never before have I had an entire place to take care of. I will be doing all of the housework, shopping, cooking, etc and paying all of the bills. Of course I'm nervous and a little overwhelmed, but I trust that I will learn what it's like to be in charge of a household and manage a budget. I will learn lessons (hopefully the easy way) that will prepare me for marriage. Gone are the days of being able to buy something whenever I wanted or thought I needed it. Gone are days eating out whenever I don't feel like bringing something to work or making something after getting home. (Which will hopefully help my belly as well as my wallet.) I'm excited to take on the responsibilities. I do think I'll get lonely at times being in a quiet apartment by myself. I'll miss Luke driving his cars on the wall at 10:30 at night, Abby screaming bloody murder for no reason, Daniel being inappropriately my brother, the kids yelling at me because I didn't give them a hug good bye, Aaren's food and so on. But it is time for me better learn how to manage my money and continue taking the steps to prepare being the man Cassia deserves and needs me to be.

This is just another milestone in mine and Cassia's engagement that will make the fact that we're getting ready more real. It is hard to believe sometimes that I actually get to marry her in a few LONG months. As we start to order things and set plans in place, we are able to see what our wedding will soon be like. Likewise as we plan our budget, go through the pre-marital classes and books, talk about our desires, purchase furniture, and as I move into the apartment tomorrow, we are able to start seeing what our marriage will soon be like as well. It is obviously a lot to take in, and I'll be grateful when tomorrow is over. All this anticipation has been building up and it'll be released finally. And I'll be even more grateful at the end of the day on March 13th, 2010. :)

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